Management Plans
Tuna Management Plan

The Tuna Management Plan's four main objectives are to:
1. Ensure that the exploitation of tuna resources that are found in and pass through Vanuatu waters is compatible with sustainability of stocks throughout their range;
2. Ensure that the harvest of tuna resources maximizes the long-term economic and
social benefits to the people of Vanuatu;
3. contribute to the food security of ni-Vanuatu; and
4. meet regional and international responsibilities under various tuna related treaties,
conventions and agreements of which Vanuatu is a member or cooperating non-member.
Deep Water Management Plan

Vanuatu National Plan of Action on Sharks (2015–2018)

MCS and Inspection Plan

This document is the Vanuatu Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) and Inspection Plan.
The development of this plan is part of Vanuatu’s reporting obligations to the EU but with an overall aim of improving the management and control of the foreign fishing vessels within Vanuatu EEZ and the Vanuatu flagged fishing vessel fleet active around the world.
The objective of this plan is to provide a guide to the Vanuatu Fisheries Department in internationalizing its coastal port and flag State MCS responsibilities.
Aquaculture Development Plan

It highlights the main components, including research and development, extension, infrastructure, credit and finance facilities, and environmental management.
The plan is to help the government allocate scarce resources and assist investors in making concise decisions on what type of aquaculture development they should pursue.
It will also assist communities to access the most appropriate resources required to set up smallholder operations.
FAD Management Plan

This Plan sets out the mechanisms and procedures that the Vanuatu will use to regulate the use of Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) for various purposes including to limit fishing mortality on vulnerable species such as juvenile bigeye and yellowfin tuna.
This Plan applies to Vanuatu flagged vessels fishing in the high seas. This Plan is only relevant to the purse seine fishery. Unless otherwise specified, references to fishing or fishing vessels only apply to purse seine fishing vessels, group purse seine fishing vessels and their support vessels.
Coconut Crab Management Plan

Vanuatu is one of the few countries where consistent harvesting is still possible and this forms avital resource for many small communities in the country.
The collection and sale of these crabs is sometimes the only form of cash crop available in some of these remote regions making the conservation of
Given their vulnerability to fishing, a comprehensive system of management is needed to ensure the sustainability of this
This Management Plan is the outcome of the research and related work that has been completed over the past 20 years within Vanuatu on the biology and management of this resource. It was also a result of high level consultation that has been undertaken with relevant local communities who will be affected by the Plan and hopefully benefit from its implementation.

The purpose of these Management Plans is to provide a strategic framework for reversing the declining trend of fish resources and establish a sound management regime to ensure that fish stocks are exploited sustainably in an enhanced environment.