The 28 th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Vanua Tai Network was held in Luganville,
Santo between 25 th and 29 th of September.
The AGM brought together 80 community participants associated with the Vanua Tai
national network of resource monitors, each representing their respective Provincial
Networks and Sub Networks from all over the country.
The meeting saw Vanua-Tai Community monitors, Government Departments and Non-
Government Organisations (NGOs) sharing ideas and learning from each other to celebrate
achievements to improve and protect marine resources.
“It is always a mammoth task getting together all the participants around Vanuatu to come
and present their annual work at this AGM,” Vanua Tai Network Coordinator, Donald James
“We collectively pulled off this annual meeting, and for that I want to congratulate Sanma
Province for hosting the event, especially to the newly elected, Tavue Tano Network,” he
Torba province was represented by Torres Community Based Network. Sanma province was
represented by the newly established Provincial Tavue Tano Environment Network, in
addition to the Mwealav Traditional Taboo Environment Network, Big Bay Environment
Network, Mela Kastom Tapu Network, and Sunset Environment Network.
Representing Penama province was the Mwalbwangbwang Tan Ae Tas Network from South
Pentecost, while Malampa province had, Tantes Environment Network, Northwest Marine
Life Network, Uluveo Netan Etas Network, and the community resource monitors from
Bamboo Bay and Wiawi.
Shefa province was represented by the Havana Tasi- Vanua Network, along with the Sub
Networks of Emmou, Visuwarwo, Fenua Tai and Nguna-Pele. Laslty Tafea province was
represented by Aniwa Environment Network, Tanauta Usi usi Network and Intauanumu
Also in attendance were three Vanuatu Fisheries Department (VFD) Community Based
Authorized Officers from Emae, Aniwa and Malekula Islands. Besides the opportunity to
share information and exchange experiences among Vanua Tai members, the AGM offered
another opportunity to strengthen a growing collaboration with VFD around community-
based fisheries management.
After many deliberations following all the report presentations, the workshop was able to
end with these following common challenges and resolutions;
-Climate Change impacting turtle nesting (Beach erosion)
-Turtle Egg handling techniques during translocation of egg from eroded beach
-More information or awareness needs to be done on Tilapia farming as alternative
livelihood activities for coastal resource management
-There is a need to do a refresher or a formal training on Turtle ID
-Sustaining a network or monitor in being active, sending in reports and such, when they
are only doing this job voluntarily
- Introduce their network plans to their chief council, Area council, and Secretary
General in their province.
- Organize at least 2 meetings before the next AGM in 2024.
- Contribute to a National event to showcase their activities within their provinces.
The 2023 AGM was organised and facilitated by the Wan Smol Bag Theatre and the Vanuatu
Fisheries Department’s CBFM-unit with joint funding support from Pacific-European Union
Marine Partnership (PEUMP), the Government of Sweden and the Australian Government.